Monday, June 10, 2013

Drupal - Dynamic Queries - Part 2

Insert queries

= array(
'title' => 'Example',
'uid' => 1,
'created' => REQUEST_TIME,
'title' => 'Example 2',
'uid' => 1,
'created' => REQUEST_TIME,
'title' => 'Example 3',
'uid' => 2,
'created' => REQUEST_TIME,
$query = db_insert('node')->fields(array('title', 'uid', 'created'));
foreach (
$values as $record) {

In the degenerate case, the above example is equivalent to the following three queries:
INSERT INTO {node} (title, uid, created) VALUES ('Example', 1, 1221717405);
INSERT INTO {node} (title, uid, created) VALUES ('Example2', 1, 1221717405);
INSERT INTO {node} (title, uid, created) VALUES ('Example3', 2, 1221717405);

Update queries

 <?php/* This is a horrible example as node.status is pulled from node_revision.status table as well, updating it here will do nothing. */$num_updated = db_update('node')
'uid' => 5,
'status' => 1,
condition('created', REQUEST_TIME - 3600, '>=')

The above example is equivalent to the following query:
UPDATE {node} SET uid=5, status=1 WHERE created >= 1221717405;

Delete queries

= db_delete('node')
condition('nid', 5)
The above query will delete all rows from the {node} table where the nid column is 5. It is equivalent to the following query:
DELETE FROM {node} WHERE nid=5;


Functions that cannot be chained together have to be done like this:
= db_select('mytable');$query->addField('mytable', 'myfield', 'myalias');$query->addField('mytable', 'anotherfield', 'anotheralias');$result = $query->condition('myfield', 'myvalue')

Functions that can be chained:

Functions that cannot be chained:

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